Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bucky Update: 1/20/13

Hello Family,
I suppose I could give you another update, although it doesn't seem like much has changed from my perspective.

Bucky has finished 12 treatments and has just 3 more to go.  I should have asked him what they actually call his treatments with the mist.

Anyway, for it, he has to put on the hospital gowns and pants (size 5XL.  I'm wondering if the person who picked that size had ever seen Bucky before.  He could literally fit three Bucky's in those pants.  Heck, our whole family would fit in those pants.  Literally.)  So he puts those on and slippers and he goes into the room next door.  He does some breathing things (I have no idea...) he does a crossword, takes a nap and after the two hours are up, he showers and goes back to his regular room.  Anything he takes into that room has to be thrown away (that's why he does a crossword).  Which come to think of it, he must be becoming more and more like my dad every day.  Which is totally cool unless one of his daughters decides to get married at 18.  I kid.  Kind of.

His blood counts are looking more and more like a regular person!  White blood cells and platelets are in the normal zone.  His red blood cells are still a little low, but they are climbing.

Rumor has it, he might be coming home tomorrow night.  That is, if he can keep it boring for the next 24 hours.  And please keep it boring for the rest of eternity.

I haven't actually seen him (well unless you count facetime) this week, (I'm pretty freaked about exposing my baby to RSV), so you might get better information on how he's doing from his parents, who have been super awesome at visiting him.  And doing his laundry.  Thanks!

He tells me he feels fine.  He did say that the doctors say he's doing well.

Thanks so much for all of your help and prayers.  They have buoyed us so much.  

Love you all,


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